The Happiness Project 2017

Here we are, a new year, and I don’t know about you but I’m curiously excited. Now what weirdo would I be and how unoriginal for that matter would I be if I didn’t discuss my hopes, dreams, fears or goals for 2017? It’s painstakingly obvious to write about this but I’m not chatting about new year resolutions (although the book I’m about to start reading might use that word). Resolutions seem like rules; there to be broken but I’ve always been one to follow the rules, so with a remaining 361 days of the year to go, a book came to light, one I hope to follow as closely as I can, The Happiness Project written by Gretchen Rubin.


As much as I have dreams and ambitions to be a major success in the writing world, to travel the world and meet the man of my dreams one day, I’ve come to realise that my life won’t have been a vain if those things don’t happen… if they happen in the next 5 then I’d definitely appreciate it but that’s not what I’m about. What’s most important is that I live in the here and now, feeling massive waves of euphoric happiness all year round and hopefully until the day that I meet my maker. I don’t want to be that person that lives for the weekend, that has to fill my diary with far future events in the hopes that my spirits will be lifted when I feel like life sucks.

The Happiness Project is an approach to changing your life, identifying what brings you joy, satisfaction and engagement but also what brings you guilt, anger, boredom and remorse.  The book is about identifying the concrete actions that boost a persons happiness and more importantly discovering what works for you. I’m hoping this month by month list will enlighten and enrich my life.

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According to Aristotle, (one of the many philosophers and scientists researched by Gretchen Rubin) “Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.” Some might argue that procreation is the means to our being but I’d argue that we’re not likely to become extinct anytime soon, so let’s forget about our sexual organs, One Born Every Minute and instead focus on our mindfulness, after all, mental health has become so large scale, it’s only fair to focus on ones well being first and foremost.

4 days into January and it’s time to start those engines, this month is exclusively about ‘boosting your energy,’ and includes the below goals as set by Rubin-

  • go to sleep earlier
  • exercise better
  • toss, restore, organise
  • tackle a nagging task
  • act more energetic


I’ve not yet began the chapter, I thought it best to step into the unknown with you guys at my side but I’ll try to regularly update you on my efforts, then maybe I’ll hear of your personal Happiness Projects, who knows.

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I’d say that I’m quite an energetic person already, I enjoy exercise and my bedtime routine wasn’t too horrendous before. However I have hoarder tendencies, I leave my bedroom mess to fester until enough is enough and I procrastinate on tasks that then lead me to over analyse and overthink, thus causing me anxiety and fear.

In conclusion I’m hoping to gain a clearer head this month and to rather pathetically know where I left my keys, phone and oyster card.

Wish me luck!



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