Filters: The new photoshop

Remember when the manipulation of a woman’s features was only achievable by those gracing the covers of magazines or appearing in commercials and adverts. The days when we only had to compare ourselves to infiltrated photographs, when we momentarily sighed but more often than not carried on with life’s duties.

2016 is the year that I discovered my love/ hate relationship with Snapchat, after previously hating it the first time around but with a major update came some major sassy makeovers, hence force the puppy, festival flowers in hair, golden goddess crown and the “oh look my face is slim I.” I can’t say that I’ve not posted a few Snapchat selfies but it does concern me when some people solely use them when taking pictures in general.

I use Snapchat every now and again, finding myself more attracted to the damn right hilarious filters rather than the prettified ones. I can’t lie and say I don’t get that OHHHHWEEEE sensation when I look like the better version of myself but I would never want to lose who I am and what I look like by constantly using them. It made me really sad when a friend’s sister used the below shown filter, especially as she was already a rather ravishing looking beauty.

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This filter does nothing for me but works it’s magic for others!

It was just the other night that I was freeing up some of my procrastination time when I started to compare and realise just how much slimmer certain filters made my face appear. The real me just looked hideous in comparison to the dog face and the alien good looking face (as I’m going to call it.) See below.

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I’d become a thinner and less shine free version of myself! (Definitely with a smaller nose)

I really do love the the world of social media but I worry about the advances that come from within it and that we’ll be stuck in a vicious cycle of wanting to look a way that is unattainable without a filter or surgery. I for one, wait with tenterhooks to see how Snapchat and it’s family (Instagram, Facebook and Twitter) will develop and what it means for the younger generations who are extremely vulnerable and impressionable.

The Unstagrammer: You can be social on media and not be a tw*t

This evening I introduced my sister to the delights of Snapchat and she simultaneously saw the hilarity in it, now that could have been the whisky and gingers in her but I somehow doubt it because I also love Snapchat when I’m of a sober disposition.


We discussed the egotistical side of this snap and film happy app but as much as it can be used to say “look at my amazing life,” (or rather the life I want to portray) it can also be used to say “I’m a freaking nerd and these weird facial takeovers kill me.”

I’m that social being that uploads things for my own pleasure and that could totally be viewed as narcissistic but I prefer to take the mick out of myself than to come across all alluring and sexy because the simple fact is I’m not a sexy person and anyone that dares to say I am, well they’ll get some serious open mouth, open eye revulsion.

I’m a recent Snapchat inhabitant and upon my first download I just couldn’t fathom out what the point of this app was, unless you were famous or had a big following of people that needed to know what you were up to at 2:30pm or 3:15am, why on earth did you need it clogging up your smartphone data storage? I think I lasted 2 weeks before I wished our friendly ghost adios and it took me many months, maybe even a year before I felt myself and my social media acquaintances were ready for the jelly (please be safe in the knowledge that I don’t get my jelly out, especially not on social media for all to see, I do have some decorum.)

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In the end Snapchat is basically like any social tool- a heap of people who feel the need to download it but don’t really contribute fully in that it’s of any use or amusement to your life and that’s where I discovered or admitted to those few people that actually followed me, that I genuinely can make myself laugh. The face swaps and face takeovers, with slow motion and sped up effects are so self celebratory that I could probably watch them back like a vine video and it’s more than likely not funny to those daring to view these shenanigans but people just can’t resist a glimpse. You know you’ve made your mark when people actually respond to your story or actually message you directly.


So here I am, confessing that sometimes social media doesn’t have to be all LOOK AT ME! That sometimes it’s just there for us to behave like animals and save ourselves a few quid, rather than paying to see big time comedians. I’ll tell you this, that on first erection it might seem like the most confusing app of your life but on the resurrection you’ll understand why it’s so popular.

In times of boredom, this is your app.







The Unstagrammer: Cooler On The Internet.

Hip Hip Hooray!

I’d like to introduce you to to a secondary blog as you will, I started my OiCarby word press firstly to keep a track of my writing work portfolio as I’m a freelance writer who’s attempting to branch out of the shackles of rarely being paid but before time I’ve been umming and ahhhing about creating a new blog, I just had to figure out what it was that I wanted to speak about predominantly.

There was that time months ago when I created a new Instagram page to post positive quotes and pictures to encourage my life journey but then I completely forgot my login details and so scuppered. Then a week or so ago I was over thinking as I tend to do when it hit me that social media well and truly p*sses me off but inexcusably I’m part of the social media warrior epidemic. When my food presentation is off the scale I have to capture it, when I’m in a new place of territory I have to take a picture, it’s as much a way for me to capture memories as it is to show off and say “la la, la la la, you can’t have this.”

Living in the new age world has me in deep enough that I want to be apart of it but has me running to in the other direction to warn people not to be sucked in. I guess you could say I’m on the fence, on the one hand I don’t mind some attention when it’s good attention but I’m better known for playing the clown, I’m not one to welcome a photoshoot on a night out as if I’ve been followed by the paparazzi and so The Unstagrammer was born!

image3 (2).JPG Deciding on my new alias

The Unstagrammer will be a place where I’ll mock the ‘look at me’ things we can’t help but do, expect memes, pictures on my travels that might suggest I’m having a ball but in reality I’ve just taken a picture of a restaurant front and walked past, then probably made a really delectable looking dish that could look like I paid in excess of £20 plus. I’m a truthful lass but I worry how some accounts are making us feel like our lives suck and this is why I really try not to follow too many celebrities or models because I’ll hold my hands up to say I’ve scrolled through people’s accounts and then pined from all the amazing experiences they’ve had. I’ll feel jealous for a minute and then I’ll remember all the exciting things I’ve got up to and can look forward to.


So this is a reminder to you, to post all the things you enjoy doing, eating, drinking, believing in because you don’t have to impress anybody. Don’t stand in these generic poses because you feel you look better, behave like a nerd and stick your tongue out if that makes you feel comfortable. We can’t all sun it in Bali but you best believe when we head to Brighton beach we’re gonna takes pictures of that pier like we’re working for Getty Images. I’ve read a lot recently about how some of these people who post all these intimate photographs of their lives are extremely insecure and unhappy and although I’m sure they’re quite grateful for the once in a lifetime opportunities they’re living, there’s probably a lot of things they’re keeping hidden from us.

I think if you’re in a position to inspire people that you should let us see you on your ugly day’s, let us know when your heads not in the game and you fancy a cry. It makes you more likeable and relatable to know you’re not cool 24/7.

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Get involved and tell me what gets your goat across social media and Instagram… I don’t appreciate seeing guys holding wads of cash sat in flossy cars (unless you really did just draw that out of the cash machine and you genuinely own or are looking to own that car.

The Unstagrammer

Bree Westbrooks – 10 Reasons we follow her on Instagram

bree westbrooks

Over the past few weeks we’ve got to know how the Instagram famous Westbrooks get on with what we believe to be a not so normal life.

We expected drama, we expected attitude and we expected diva ways but BET reality stars The Westbrooks proved that even with millions of followers they’re still very real and very normal.

The life of an instagram poster can sometimes be one that’s rich in vanity and drenched in ego, you know the models and vloggers that post the most stunning pictures and make you green with envy because they never uncover anything other than perfect?! Well the five sisters from California have uncovered raw qualities and emotion that other IG stars leave out. We’ve seen sibling rivalry and support, watched their personal relationships and witnessed their rise to fame whilst achieving their ambitious dreams. Each sister has been extremely unique and middle sister Bree was no different when it came to her individuality.


Related: Crystal Westbrooks 10 reasons why we follow her instagram

The plus size beauty who has just under half a million instagram followers is extremely focused when it comes to what she wants, you could even say stubborn and this could be said in her career and in the relationship between her and her fiance. Brazenly vocal, Bree is unashamed to tell people what is on her mind which works positively for her, she very rarely gets bogged down by over thinking things through… maybe not so great for her sisters when she tells them how it is in Bree Bree’s world.

The 23 year old aspiring model loves nothing more than to promote brands that she adores and believes in but more passionately than that she plans to be a force to be reckoned with in the modelling world. Society is a lot more celebrating of sexy and fuller figured curves and if you take a scroll through Bree’s pictures I think people of all sizes could learn a thing or two about embracing what you were blessed with. A loving mommy to her little boy, she totally lets her guard down when she’s around him and as one fan commented, is a little doppelganger of his grandfather daddy Westbrooks.

Related: 10 Reasons why we’re following Brook Westbrooks on Instagram

Follow Bree to witness her superwoman attitude, make- up wins and perfectly poised poses!

So here’s the 10 reasons why we’re following Bree Westbrooks on Instagram-


A diva is a female version of a hustler and just like Queen Bey, Queen Bree is packed full of Diva style. She used to get posing tips from younger sister India but she’s flying S.O.L.O and giving her a run for her money these days.


Sometimes people say it best when they say nothing at all and this clip just shouts fierce attitude. Remember don’t hate the player, you best hate the game.


With the love of her life, she really let’s her guard down, releasing her goofy side and showing she’s not as thicked skinned as she’d have you believe.


She loves to accentuate her killer curves and is known to use waist trainers, as well as working out with her sisters. Bree knows her role within the Westbrooks sisters market and is using her body to her advantage, showing that plus size is beautiful.


Damn girl! Bree exudes confidence when it comes to her style and the way she looks. You might think that Crystal and India are the most confident of the sisters but we actually think Bree could take the title for loving the skin that she’s in.


Like her sisters Bree takes pride in her hair, embracing curls, flicks and vivid colours. We loved her blue tresses and she’s an advocate for Boho Exotic Studio, regularly getting her hair did.


It’s been interesting to see the relationship between her and her beau, but she’s definitely the female boss in the relationship. She may come across as bossy at times but when you’re the middle child we can totally justify that she’s had to make herself heard.


She’s just a tad opinionated and doesn’t beat around the bush- honesty is definitely her policy.


Bree is so thankful for the support that her followers give her and her sisters.


This could be quite the statement but out of the sisters we think Bree could be top of the selfie pics.

Now press that follow button for Bree Westbrooks at @breecandace.

The new series of The Westbrooks is on UK screen every Sunday on BET at 8pm. Sky 187 / Virgin 184 / Freesat 140.